The strength of water is what you probably picture when thinking about the idea of a river. It is more likely to imagine calm flowing water that brushes across the stones at the bottom of the river. No matter how strong the river appears to you. 1. Amazon River If you take a look at the magnitude of the Amazon, it is the largest river in the globe. It is believed to account for up to 1/5 of all river flows across South America. The river is so strong and vast that it doesn't have any points along the river that could be crossed with the construction of a bridge. The river's mouth is capable of releasing up to 8 trillion gallons every day. It is estimated that the river's depth is about 150 feet deep. If you're contemplating going to the Amazon to swim, don't! Amazon is regarded as the second-longest river on the planet with 3,976 miles. It is second in length longest river in the world and has a greater average waterflow than the other seven largest rivers. It...